Gujarati Cultural Society Brighton Diwali Dinner & Dance 2018

This year GCS goes CARNIVAL WAY……… GCS Brighton annual Diwali Dinner & Dance will at the Hilton Metropole – Live music by the popular MK Roadshow DJ Kunal!! The Diwali Dinner & Dance event will at the Viscount Hall, Hilton, unfortunately we have to accept some restricted view from some tables due to the pillars, […]
Brighton and Hove Navratri 2018 Celebrations

Gujarati Cultural Society Navratri 2018 10th October to 19 October 2018 8pm – 11pm Sharad Poonam 24th October 2018 8pm – 11pm Longhill School, Falmer Rd Rottingdean Brighton BN2 7FR Members FREE Non-Members £4 Students FREE with Student Card Donations for Hall, Music and Food Please Contact : Anita 07768080831 Further Information
Sunday 13/08/2017 – Cricket, Picnic & Family Summer Fun Day

We are delighted to announce that GCS Brighton’s Annual Cricket, Picnic & Family Summer Fun Day has been confirmed For Sunday 13th August 2017. Location: Braypool Recreation Ground, Braypool Lane, Patcham BN1 8HZ Commencing: 2.30pm Cost: £5 for cricket players, free for others. We had an excellent turnout last year, and encourage you to come […]
Diwali Dinner & Dance 2015 : Gujarati Cultural Society Brighton and Hove

Diwali Dinner & Dance 2015 : Gujarati Cultural Society Brighton and Hove Dear friends we are all getting excited about our Diwali Dinner and Dance now.. Your committee is working very hard to bring you the best experience so far of our Annual Diwali Dinner and Dance. A few important announcements for your co-operation: 1. […]
Navratri 2015 – Brighton and Hove

GCS invites you all to celebrate Navratri from 13TH October to 22ND October and Sharad Poonam on 26TH October 2015 Long Hill High School FaLmer road BRIGHTON BN2 7FR Entrance is free to all Paid Members and student with ID – Non Members over 18 years £3.00 Snack will be provided most nights This year […]
Navratri 2014 Picture Gallery

Navratri , October 5-13th 2013
October 5th to 13th 2013 inclusive that is nine days continuous from our usual start time of 8pm. This is our most celebratory time of year and it would be nice to see as many old and new faces as possible so please spread the word and bring along your friends. Navratri , October 5-13th […]