Navratri 2014 at Hove Town Hall

Diwali Dinner and Dance – Saturday 25th Oct 2014
Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, BN3 4AH. New Year celebration with food, bring you own drinks (alcohol permitted) and dance all night to music from a DJ with a mixture of music N.B Regarding Diwali, we urge all the members to go to ‘epetitions’ site; and vote for Diwali to become a public holiday in UK.
Sussex Indian Punjabi Society Diwali Dinner & Dance – 16th November @ Hove Town Hall
Our friends at the Sussex Indian Punjabi Society have anounced that they will be celebrating Diwali at Hove Town hall on the 16th November 2013. For tickets and more information you can contact the organiser Baldev Soni or purchase tickets directly from their website. [contactinfo mail=’’ name=’Baldev Soni’] Book Now Online