Just three days to go now for our Buckingham Palace & Duck Tour Trip. Everyone who is coming, please observe the following instructions & advice to make sure everything runs smoothly on the day: 

Please note that we will be meeting at Withdean Stadium Car Park on Sunday 20th August 2017 at 7.00am. It will be a long day so please make sure you have your medicines, snacks and drinks etc with you, and keep them accessible throughout the day. If you are unwell before the trip please do not risk coming for obvious reasons, as it will be a long day. We aim to be back by 10.30pm, but this is of course dependent on traffic. 

We request that everybody brings one plate of food and drink, disposable plates, cutlery and cups for a picnic around 12 noon or so.

 If you are doing the DUCK  TOUR then I will give you separate instructions on the day. If you are not doing it, you may wish to book yourself a trip on the London Eye, Aquarium, Movie Museum or any other similar attraction. Please do this in advance online to save you trouble of queues. We will all need to meet back at the coach at around 11.45am approx. Please be punctual at all times, as we do not want to leave anyone behind, but cannot hold up the proceedings, so would have to continue without late individuals.

Buckingham Palace is at 1.45pm so please make sure you meet after picnic at the designated point. 

After Buckingham Palace we will go to a temple and then evening dinner at Pradips on Kenton Road in North London. After dinner we will leave for home to arrive at Withdean Stadium Car Park approx 10.30pm. 

Many Thanks 

Gopal A. Patel