GCS Brighton’s Got Talent 2017 – 28th January 2017 – Hove Park Upper School

The event is a talent show of what the community of Brighton and surrounding areas can show publicly. It is a fun evening with a feedback element aka Britain’s got talent but not harsh to upset anyone.

We have no age limits and entry is free to all participants and Members. Non-members are £5 per persons over 12 and £2.50 for non member children. Non member children can enter for free but parents will need to pay £5.

There will be a maximum of 10 children performance and maximum of 10 Adult performances. In between each 10 will be an interval of 1/2 hour or so. Each performance should last no more than 4-5 minutes.  It’s very laid back and there will be prizes for all performers.

Please can all participating performers complete the online form

There will be a snack  and refreshments at the interval.

The event starts at 6.30pm to 11pm at Hove Park Upper School on Neville Road, Hove.


Please let organisers know if you are attending for seating and catering purposes.
  • Gopal Patel 07748153686
  • Anita Agnihotri 07768080831
  • Mahendra Chauhan 07801912707
  • Jignesh Agnihotri 07798706060