Diwali Dinner & Dance 2015 : Gujarati Cultural Society Brighton and Hove

Dear friends we are all getting excited about our Diwali Dinner and Dance now..

Your committee is working very hard to bring you the best experience so far of our Annual Diwali Dinner and Dance.

A few important announcements for your co-operation:

1. Please bring your tickets and membership cards with you. Management reserves the right to refuse entry. There will be NO MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION OR TICKET SALE AT THE DIWALI EVENT ON THE DAY.

2. NO ALCOHOLIC DRINKS FROM OUTSIDE ALLOWED – the Hotel staff will confiscate your drink if you do. Please purchase your alcohol or soft drinks from the Cash Bar provided which will be in the Hall.

3. Entrance through main doors Kings Road – wheelchairs/disabled access guests please tell reception and they will open the side entrance for you.
4. Car parking: we have negotiated a special price £5 per car for the night- 150 spaces available – first come first serve. There are other local carparks and free road parking after 8.00pm along the area.

5. Seating arrangement: Tables with 12 chairs – you may reserve a table if you have a group of 10-12 people. Otherwise you may have to adjust our seating arrangements please. Contact Mahindra Chauhan 07801912707 contact@gcs-brighton.org.uk

We still need sponsors and Raffle Prizes for the Diwali event- Please ask your contacts or businesses – we are offering a 6ft table for businesses to promote their business for £250. We will give two tickets free in return. Any donations most welcome and appreciated.

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