We have had a good uptake on the GCS Brighton organised cricket day on the 26th June. In previous years we have had a loosely run match with young and old alongside some food and games. This year we already have 26 names on this list of players and so we are probably going to be joined by Indian Colours group for a 3 way mini tournament.

We have given the first two teams names and badges, to get the excitement and rivalry started. The GCS Lions are made up of mostly GCS Brighton members while I will be captaining the Pirates who are a mixture of the younger generation.

If you have not contacted us to confirm that you would like to play then please email us your request to contact@gcs-brighton.org.uk with your name, mobile and email address.

I you have your own equipment like bats and pads, then please bring them along is we only have limited equipment.

Participants So Far

1. Pinakin Patel
2. Shohil
3. Ketan
4. Sanj J
5. Sachin J
6. Bobby
7. Avi
8. Rik
9. Jake
10. Bankim
11. Rishi Soni
12. Pranay
13. Ravi Jain

GCS Lions
1. Jignesh Agnihotri
2. Kanad Patel – Eastbourne
3. Raj Patel – Lewes
4. Pankaj Sangani
5. Saaj Sangani
6. Sagar Aggrawal
7. Shobhit
8. Gopal
9. Manoj
10. Rakshit Ghandi
11. Nirav Patel – Eastbourne
12. Chirag – Lewes
13. Rohan Agnihotri

Event Details

The event starts at 2pm on June 26th 2016 at Patcham Place Park.

Facebook Event
