When : 8th April 2018 5pm

Where : Swaminarayan Temple, 79a Trafalgar Road Portslade BN41 1XD

Dear Member
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 8th April 2018 at 5.00 P.M to 7 P.M., at the Swaminarayan Temple, 79a Trafalgar Road Portslade BN41 1XD
Attached are: Download PDF (287kb)

– the agenda for this meeting
– Nomination paper/election form
At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:
– find out about GCS’s operations and finances
– ask questions about the operations and finances of GCS
– speak about any items on the agenda
– vote on any resolutions proposed.
At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:
– accept the minutes of the last annual general meeting
– accept the annual report
– accept the auditor’s report
– accept the annual financial statements
– appoint auditor.
– elect office bearers
Gujarati Cultural Society
Mahindra Chauhan

Enquiries : contact@gcs-brighton.org.uk